Deepika is a leading Malayalam language newspaper in India. It is the oldest Malayalam paper still in circulation. This is the first and largest vernacular online newspaper in Malayalam published on a daily-basis. Deepika publishes editions from Kottayam, Kochi, Kannur, Thrissur, Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode.Deepika got cracking in 1887. Kerala’s Syro Malabar Church, a Catholic Church, controlled this paper till 1989. The first issue of Deepika was published on April 15, 1887. It became a daily newspaper in Jaunary 1927. Over time many changes were introduced in Malayalam journalism. Under its parent publication Rashtra Deepika Ltd., Children’s Digest, Rashtra Deepika Cinema, Karshakan, Kuttikalude Deepika, Business Deepika and Streedhanam were launched.
Deepika Contact Number
Contact Number: +91 481 3012001,
Fax: +91 481 3012222
Deepika Official Website:
Deepika City Wise Office Contact Address
kottayam office
Rashtra Deepika Ltd.
P.B. No.7
Kottayam-686 001
Phone: 566706 (4 lines)
Fax: 567947
Thrissur office
Rashtra Deepika Ltd.
P.B. No.32, Veliyannoor P.O
Thrissur-680 001
Phone: 24230, 21596
Fax: 24740
kannur office
Rashtra Deepika Ltd.
P.B. No.1407
Pallikunnu-670 004
Phone: 501666, 501020
Fax: 501450
Trivandrum office
Rashtra Deepika Ltd.
Malankara Buildings
Phone: 462911, 461845
Fax: 475175
kochi office
Rashtra Deepika Ltd.
Phone: 336570, 336571
Fax: 331692
Remarkably, India’s national leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Shankar Dayal Sharma, K.R.Narayanan, Arjun Singh and L.K.Advani have appreciated the Deepika’s fairness in the Diaspora of journalism.
The leading newspaper contains News i.e., World, National, State, Business and Sports and features that include Rainbows, Personalize, Exchange, Rates, Worldtime, 24/7 News, Flash, Forward, News, Letter to the Editor and Search News.
Deepika has become a part of the Kerala life. Every section of Kerala’s society gets in touch with the leading Tamil newspaper. It has all fields of economic, social and political activities. From top bankers to jewellers to gold merchants to planters to share brokers, Deepika has earned a huge readership in India. Readers can give feedback/suggestions/comment and contact
Author: 00161541
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