IIT Roorkee Contact Number

March 7, 2013 | Author: | Posted in Institution

IIT RoorkeeIndian Institute of Technology Roorkee is amid the primary of institutes of India. The organization provides huge and world class higher technical instruction and in different fields such as engineering education, pure & applied sciences and research.It is founded in the year of 1847, since than only IIT Roorkee has developed in to the great mode of studying for thousands of aspiring students. The association is counted in one of the best technological institutions in the entire world and has also provides excellent industrial expansion.

IIT Roorkee Contact Details
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Roorkee, Uttarakhand
India – 247667
IIT Roorkee Contact No. +91-1332-285311
IIT Roorkee Email Id: regis@iitr.ernet.in
IIT Roorkee Official Website: http://www.iitr.ac.in

IIT Roorkee U.G. Admissions:

Contact No. +91-1332-284289, 285200
Email Id: dugs@iitr.ernet.in, aracd@iitr.ernet.in

IIT Roorkee P.G. Admissions:

Contact No. +91-1332-284292, 284010
Email Id: aracd@iitr.ernet.in

IIT Roorkee GATE Office:

Contact No. +91-1332-284531, 284010
Email Id: gate@iitr.ernet.in

IIT Roorkee JEE Office:

Contact No. +91-1332-285224, 284272
Email Id: jeech@iitr.ernet.in

The major learning of IIT Roorkee consists of technical education, science and engineering.IIT Roorkee offers graduation courses and programs as professional bachelor degrees in 10 different streams of Engineering and Architecture learning. There are also postgraduate courses for advanced education in 55 degrees of applied science, engineering, architecture and planning courses.Students can appear in IIT Roorkee for B.Tech and B.Arch. degrees throughout the combined access examination of JEE.

These entrance exams have been conducted at different various centres all over the country.The exact address of the organization is Century Road, Roorkee, Uttarakhand- 247667. Official contact number is 01332-285311. http://www.iitr.ac.in is an official website of the institution which is fully prepared and ready to provide the entire info about the IIT Roorkee.


Rahul Gupta is a noted entertainment writer. He provides web content, articles, book reviews, blogs, newsletters, etc. Previously, he was the business writer for leading magazine. He has written on subjects of varied interests. Rahul has also written features on subjects ranging from sports to lifestyle.

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