Oriole Electronics
It was Established in the year 1972.It has definitely located itself as a market leader offering cost effective, reliable and dependable. We struggle towards making your life easier which is reflected in our sales support, product quality and timely deliveries at a reasonable price. It specializes in display & micro processor based solutions. We have to our credit infinite such solutions installed in the private sector, government organizations as well as for defense applications. It is the only company positioned to satisfy your technical requirements. It has provide you with comprehensive engineering support for all kinds of LCD displays. It including alphanumeric, graphical, custom panels and TFT displays along with meeting you’re purchasing and production needs.
Oriole Electronics Official Website : http://www.orioleindia.com
Oriole Electronics Contact Number :
Phone Number : 91-22 2509 4241-46
Oriole Electronics Head Office Contact Details :
4 Kurla Industrial Estate,
Narayan Nagar, Ghatkopar (W),
Mumbai – 400 086
Tel : 91-22 2509 4241-46
Fax : 91-22 2511 5810
Email : sales@orioleindia.com
BENGALURU (Regional Sales Office)
No.301, 3rd Floor, Brigade Towers,
135, Brigade Road,
Bengaluru – 560 025
Tel : 91-080 4152 1627, 09845125390
Fax : 91-80 2529 1433
Email : oriolebangalore@orioleindia.com
NEW DELHI (Regional Sales Office)
116, Vardhaman Towers,
Preet Vihar Community Centre,
New Delhi – 110 092
Tel : 91-11 2245 4525
Fax : 91-11 2245 8352
Email : delhi@orioleindia.com
Author: 00161541
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