Apex Hospital Varanasi
Apex Hospital is a very popular hospital and one of the best hospitals for its experienced senior doctors and modern advancements in clinical research in the city of Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. The hospital is governed by the Apex business group of Varanasi. The hospital started functioning in the year of 1982 with the aim to serve the people of Varanasi city and surrounding areas with the expert team of doctors and all the latest technologies. The hospital has experienced and dedicated doctors in the following medical departments- Laparoscopic Surgery, pediatric care, Cardiology.
Apex Hospital Varanasi Official Website : http://www.apexhospitalvaranasi.com/
Apex Hospital Varanasi Contact Number :
Phone Number: 0542- 2316782,2317528
General Enquiry Numbers:
Hospital Information: 0542-2300823
Hospital Fax No: 0542-2317414
Apex I.C.U.: 09450960573
Apex Diagnostic: 0542-2316222
Ambulance: 09415304105
Blood Bank : 0542-2316794
Apex Trauma Center: 0542-2317528
Executive Director : 09415304103
Administrator Hospital : 09415304102
Hospital Co-ordinator :09450963935
Manager Diagnostic :08004925964
Apex College of Nursing & Physiotherapy: 09415201204
Apex Hospital Varanasi Contact Address Details:
Hospital Location:
D.L.W. Hydle Road , Varanasi-04
Phone:– 0542- 2316782,2317528
Fax:– 0542 2317414
Email:- md@apexhospitalvaranasi.com
In last 30 years of its existence the hospital has earned a name for itself with the quality treatment services and the expertise of staff in the Varanasi city ad nearby places. The hospital is located in a very convenient location and is close to the railway station and is well connected by bus routes as well. People can easily reach to the hospital in emergencies without any trouble in very less time. The hospital also provides ambulance service for emergencies with the multiple emergency vehicles.
Author: 00161541
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P.E.T Scan is available in Apex hospital